Considering that Nature does nothing useless … what the “shells” of fruit and vegetables represent in the panorama that surrounds us every day; their only destiny is to enrich containers of organ waste … Wet so to speak?
Far from it … Those peels constitute the protective, colorful and appetizing wall of fruits that attract our eyes, our senses and the animals that eat them disperse the seeds and “help” our trees to complete and perpetrate the magical cycle of life.
Polyphenols … This family of about 500 molecules constitute the “hidden treasure” to a large part of the community … They contribute to the defense and beauty of the fruit and what all this means for us …
Well yes … Polyphenols include among their peculiarities the antioxidant power, the contrast to free radicals and premature cellular aging, protect against photo aging, are anti-carcinogenic and have anti-inflammatory, antibacterial and anti-allergic, toning and astringent properties. …
Formidable allies for the enzymes supeoxide dismutase, catalase and glutathione peroxidase in the fight against free radicals that develop during the catabolic processes of our body.
Polyphenols, all phenolic compounds that contain at least one aromatic ring with one or more -OH groups deriving from L phenialanine and tyrosine, should be introduced into the diet in a daily quantity of not less than 1 g, 10 times greater than that of the vitamin. C is 100 times greater than vitamin E, 500 times more than carotenoids …
Wanting to deepen their anti-radical and anti-aging activity due to oxidative stress:
Gallic Acid, Resveratrol and Catechins, intervene in the neutralization process of radicals that are naturally created in our organism due to redox reactions, smoke, pollution, stress … the main targets are superoxide, hydroperoxyl and alkoxyl radicals that damage the membrane of the our cells leading to the alteration of cellular exchanges and mutagenic effects on DNA. The products of the Verdesalus line aim to counter these processes in an absolutely natural way … Looking at the foods we come into contact with with different eyes, borrowing from Nature a defense of life and renewal that every season and cycle of year brings with it … Hence the choice of the name Crisalyd for the cosmetics line …
A name that in itself evokes a transformation, a metamorphosis …
”Get rid of the old skin to become a gorgeous one
Everyone would like it, and it is possible, from caterpillar to chrysalis to then take off like a butterfly …
The chrysalis is the evolutionary stage, closed in the cocoon, wrapped in structures that will help the larva to grow, fortify itself before coming out of the shell and live the life of a much more beautiful, colorful and admired being … it can be changed, improve, choosing healthy and natural products to enhance aesthetic beauty and physical well-being.
Consistently with the above, I am evaluating a primary and secondary packaging that is respectful of the guiding philosophy (recycling and low environmental impact) and a fragrance of the products that evokes the power of nature with persistent fragrances on the skin but not excessively nauseating … in short, smells natural but decisive, considering that the processing matrices are represented by both fresh fruit (lemon peel and pomace) and dried fruit (stone and horse chestnut).
This is the philosophy and the metaphor that I want to convey with the products and the communication of the website.
The stylized butterfly will be the brand of the cosmetic line ….