The VERDESALUS project was born from the desire to enhance the by-products of agro-food processing, giving back a new look, a second life to the material that is normally classified as a processing waste, a waste to be disposed of.
Also on the occasion of the Expo Milano 2015 Universal Exposition, the emphasis was placed on food, as a precious source of energy for humanity, on the most efficient and innovative solutions for the exploitation of resources.
An eco-sustainable lifestyle, a greater awareness on the part of end consumers who, with their choices, direct the market towards a moderate exploitation of the resources that nature makes available are now necessary.
For natural beauty, you need natural products.
There was a time when Man was part of Nature and not its master … Going back to thinking as natural beings could restore that balance essential to coexistence and health in a holistic sense.
At this point the will becomes a need … the need to recover, give ourselves a second chance through those by-products that are not, if only the essence of which they are made is deepened.